How do we know the truth? Thoughts on the APA Brief

    Until about the early 2000's, it was a common belief that marriage is between and a woman. About the time when Obama became president in 2008, that belief started to be questioned by society. Many started to wonder why homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to marry each other. But this also raised more questions about family life, well-being of children, etc. This week in my Family Relations class, we talked about the APA (American Psychology Association) Brief which was part of a study on the effects homosexual relations had on children, or at least that is what the study claims. During class, I discovered that this brief contained the results of many studies that didn't prove much if anything at all about the effects of homosexual relations on children. Many of these professional studies were measuring the opinions of psychologist, the parents, and anyone else besides the children. I am not a professional and I am strictly speaking based on what I saw with my own eyes. But this to me does not show either a positive or negative effect on children. But for me, I don't need to see a study to know the effects. Let me be clear that I am not against clinical studies, I think research is very beneficial. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I believe very strongly that we all learn and grow through our own personal research "line upon line and precept upon precept" (Isaiah 28:10) so that we may grow in wisdom. I am sure that there are studies out there that can prove or disprove any argument. So how do we know what to believe? In the October 2022 General Conference, President Russell M. Nelson taught that one of Satan's favorite tools is to cause confusion and doubt between what is true and what is not true. He continues to teach that despite the billions of results that Google can find in .0007 seconds "ironically makes it increasingly difficult to determine what is true". The point I am trying to make is that the most important way to know truth from false, is to pray to our Omniscient Father who knows all things and desires to share the secrets of the universe with us. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God," (James 1:5) "Ask, and it shall be given you," (Matthew 7:7). 

    I don't want to take away from the happiness that has come from homosexual relations, I know that some people have had extremely difficult circumstances in heterosexual relations both romantic and familial. For these individuals, seeking a homosexual partner is an escape for them to flee the abuse they experienced. I really believe that some of these people truly believe they are happy. My wish for them is to know that they can have much more happiness if they were to live a lifestyle that is consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ. This life is hard, it is a test to see if we will be faithful in all things. Another one of Satan's favorite tools is complacency. Satan isn't going to tempt me to drink or smoke because he knows I am too strong for that, so instead, he tries to get me to think that I am living a "good enough" life so that I will start to slack in things that bring me closer to my Savior and Heavenly Father such as skipping my scripture study, speeding through my prayers so I can go to bed, or not spending time with my wife because I have too much homework to do. This is the tool that Satan is using on God's children who have homosexual attractions. He wants them to think they have achieved all the happiness that this life has to offer. To quote the old tv commercials, "but wait, THERE'S MORE!". There is more happiness to be found in the gospel of Jesus Christ! I know that it is difficult to endure this deeply personal struggle, but I promise there is happiness, if not in this life, it will be in the next life and it will be coupled with eternal glory, joy, comfort, peace, and any other positive adjective that is out there. 

    To close out my thoughts, I want to encourage all of my readers to do their research and then turn to your Father in Heaven to know if the things you have learned are true and then listen! He will answer your sincere prayers. 


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