
Showing posts from January, 2023

Creating the Family You Want

     Wouldn't it be nice if we could control our children? Obviously that's only a dream for many parents, but would it actually be a good thing? I know for some of my siblings, my parents were worried sick when they would go out, not knowing if their friends were good influences, what they were doing, and when or if they would come back. That must be a really hard thing to deal with. So how can we shape our family into what we want them to be while still allowing them to make their own choices? Let's step back for a moment and take a look at the world around us.     Our culture has its ups and downs. Each of us has many opportunities to make a life that we want, yet there is a lot of hatred between races, political parties, communities, and sometimes even religions. From my perspective, a lot of these problems happen because they want the other person to be like them. Does this sound familiar? So many of our problems come from us trying to change others. For the first coup

Interpreting Behavior

      If I were to start singing Jingle Bells what would you think of? Christmas? That's what I would think of too. That's because you have learned to associate Jingle Bells with Christmas through your experiences. Now think of an experience in your past that triggers specific emotions. An example could be when I was younger and would do something to get me in trouble, my mom would give me "the look". I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about because your mom probably did the same thing. When she gave the look, I would feel anxious, regretful, maybe even a little bit scared of the consequences. Now, years later, my wife will occasionally give me the same look that my mom would give me when I did something wrong and immediately, I would become defensive, anxious, frustrated, and all the other feelings and I would direct them towards my wife. But you know what's different? My wife isn't even mad at me, in fact, she may not even realize she's g

How do we know the truth? Thoughts on the APA Brief

     Until about the early 2000's, it was a common belief that marriage is between and a woman. About the time when Obama became president in 2008, that belief started to be questioned by society. Many started to wonder why homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to marry each other. But this also raised more questions about family life, well-being of children, etc. This week in my Family Relations class, we talked about the APA (American Psychology Association) Brief which was part of a study on the effects homosexual relations had on children, or at least that is what the study claims. During class, I discovered that this brief contained the results of many studies that didn't prove much if anything at all about the effects of homosexual relations on children. Many of these professional studies were measuring the opinions of psychologist, the parents, and anyone else besides the children. I am not a professional and I am strictly speaking based on what I saw with my own eyes. Bu

Tanner Sigler- The Christian Dad

Hello! My name is Tanner Sigler and I'm from Lubbock, Texas. I'm studying Therapeutic Recreation at BYU-Idaho. I'm creating this blog as part of a Family Relations class and I hope I can share with all of you my passion for strong family relations, things that I learn throughout this semester, and I'll even include specific ways that we can build and strengthen our relationship with our family members.